Would you be willing to commit for 21 days to better your health and well-being?
Are you exhausted from trying different diets and methods without getting the results you want in the long run?
Do you want to get to know yourself better? Are you willing to face the truth?
Do you know which habits you need to ditch, the ones you can keep and the ones you need to improve upon?
Are you willing to make some changes- not all at once but one step at a time?
Would you be interested in joining a program where you will get the correct information -backed by research, without feeling overwhelmed?
If you answered YES to these questions, I invite you to join me in a group of beautiful people like you that want to improve the way they feel for good!
This new program that will change your life for better, consists of:
My original program of 21 DAYS FOR A BETTER YOU with all the amazing tools and information.
Plus, two AMAZING additions with NO additional COST, which are:
· My DETOX program for FREE ($75 value)
· Weekly online meetings, for Q&A's and evaluate progress
· With the opportunity of being part of a COMMUNITY of likeminded people, where you can feel encouraged and motivated, knowing that you are not doing it alone.
I encourage you to give yourself the opportunity to do something different for your own health and wellbeing, by committing to yourself for 21 days
As a starting point for the rest of your life by making real changes and realizing what makes you feel and function better versus what has been wreaking havoc on you instead, so that you can take action right NOW!
The best tool out there to keep a record of your daily habits so you can take action NOW!
We are integrated beings, where the sum of the parts make up the whole, influencing the way we feel and look from the inside-out.
Our bodies are the house of our souls and our minds are the headmasters.
What we put in our plates matter. It is about the quality, but also about the way we digest and assimilate what we eat that will affect our systems, for better or for worse.
We ALL deal with some kind of stress in our daily lives that impacts greatly our quality of life. But, have you wrap your head about the fact that is more about how you perceive any given situation that what it actually entails?
I put together a 10-DAY DETOX plan, with the aim of helping our bodies to get rid of all the toxins that continuously build up in our cells and overtax our body's systems, making us feel heavy and sluggish.
This plan includes:
A 10-DAY plant-based meal plan.
Food shopping list.
On-line guide of recipes.
Feel free to DM for more details or grab yours NOW by clicking down bellow.
I created another plan, simple but very effective for those who want to boost their energy and improve their metabolism, in only 10 days, called 10-DAY BOOSTER.
With two versions of it:
One for those who want to lose some weight, or rather body fat.
Other for those who's aim is to gain weight from muscle mass.
Both including the following:
A 10-DAY balanced meal plan.
Food shopping list.
On-line guide of recipes.
Feel free to DM for more details or get yours NOW by clicking down bellow.
With my ANTI-INFLAMMATORY plan you will help reduce inflammation in your body, shed some pounds and recover the balance your body needs, mainly by adding the right foods into your diet, and cutting off the ones that promote inflammation. By purchasing this program you will a MEAL PLAN, alongside with some RULES, RECIPES a SHOPPING LIST, and my support and guidance throughout the journey. Do not hesitate to take your health in your hands, starting NOW!
What you put in your plate has a great impact on the way you feel and look, and you have the power to decide. So when you do your food shopping, allow yourself to be guided by all the colors in nature and then plan to cook accordingly, creating beautiful, nutrient dense and colorful meals. Allow me to guide you in every step, helping you with the following:
1. Your pantry.
2. Food shopping.
3. Cooking.
Look for those plans in the appointments section.
Join us, to do some YOGA, in person at my house or, on-line at the comfort of your own home, as we move and breathe together in sync. All levels are welcome!!-
Let's prep some delicious meals together with fresh, nutritious, local ingredients in person at my house, or on-line. Recipes included and fun is guaranteed!!!
I am a certified Health Coach and Yoga Instructor. With expertise in nutrition, health, wellness, and effective coaching techniques, I help my clients achieve their goals and enhance their overall well-being. My approach is rooted in food and lifestyle changes, providing support and guidance throughout their journey to becoming the best version of themselves!
I have the health program that is right for you, whether you want to lose weight, stay fit, have more energy, or all of the above… We will work together so you can feel and look your best, today and for the rest of your life..!
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